Pat Suzie Tennent


Coming Out Of The Dark

This book is my personal story of my ongoing process of recovery from a lifetime of abuse. As a result I developed Dissociative Identity Disorder and PTSD. It does not focus on the graphic details of the abuse. I chose rather to talk about my recovery. What helped me, and what didn’t. The biggest lesson I learned is that healing is very much connected to love. Learning how to love yourself and break away from the old patterns of being told you were worthless.

Coming Out Of The Dark

This book is my memoir about recovery from a lifetime of catastrophic abuse. As a result I developed Dissociative Identity Disorder and PTSD. It is not the story of graphic details of the abuse. Rather it tell of my journey of ongoing recovery and the place that love and compassion has played. It does not however sugarcoat recovery. It is a daily struggle and takes huge patience and effort. Ultimately though it gives a message of hope.