A Prophetic History of the Church Since WW2
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Since the end of World War II, and the fulfilment of Bible prophecy in the restoration of the nation of Israel, the Holy Spirit has been preparing the Church for the End-Time Harvest. Amazing “moves of God” have occurred through fallible servants, who were available for the Lord to use. Some were household names in their day, yet they are virtually unknown among Christians today. The institutional church has so suppressed knowledge of these events that most Christians don’t even know they occurred.

Many popular accounts of these men and women and their deeds have been deliberately falsified to discredit their ministries; some out of jealousy, some due to theological disputes. You will need to draw your own conclusions as to why and investigate the stories related in this volume to your own satisfaction.

God has been telling the prophets He is about to “do it again”. There is another major ‘Wave of The Holy Spirit’ about to break upon an unready Church, known to many as the Billion-Soul Harvest. My prayer is that this book will open your eyes to what the Lord has already done so that you can have faith for what He is about to do, in which YOU are called to play a part.


Genre Religious/Inspirational

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  • I was scheduled to give this message on Sunday Oct 4th, 2020. I woke up at 4:53am with severe tightness in the chest. After praying, the Lord impressed me the time was significant. I searched through the Bible and there is only ONE 4:53, in John’s gospel – “It was at that moment the father realised Jesus had said to him ‘The son will live’…”. SO I had faith, went and gave the message. Later that day the tightness hadn’t gone, so we went to hospital, and found out I’d had a minor heart attack. This book was written in the compulsory 4 weeks off work that demanded. I believe it’s a vital message for young people at the moment, whom God is preparing to become “The generation of the righteous”.