Romance…Push The On Button!
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What woman doesn’t want her relationship to be romantic? With all the millions of romantic fantasy novels read every year by women, why can’t romance be transferred to real life and real relationships? Romance… Push The On Button! author, Paul Gaughan does exactly that. He bridges the gap between romantic fantasy and romantic reality. The subtitle explains the main thrust of the book – How To Turn Your Man Into A Romantic. It informs in detail the differences between men and women especially when it comes to romance and why this is so. For the first time, the author makes the compelling assertion that romance is actually a need for a woman in her intimate relationship that should be recognised. Paul goes on to reveal that the resistance to romance men have is rooted in their caveman DNA but how a woman can work with this to not only increase romance in her man but also his intimacy tolerance so the two of them can become romantically connected at a very deep level.

Throughout the book Paul draws upon his counselling experience with couples to explain the blocks to romance but also the solutions to flood romance into a long term relationship. It also teaches in detail how romance can also increase the sexual pleasure for a woman and how she can immunise herself from low sexual desire. It reveals the two different switches women need to switch on to unlock the pleasure of deeper intimacy. Exercises are provided to increase intimacy and connection for any relationship.

Archaic, traditional views promoted by men ditch romance in the fantasy category based only on immature, emotional and initially physical attachments. However, Romance… Push The On Button! explains the science behind romance in intimate relationships where successful couples can actually keep romance flourishing for decades. The science is surprising as positive actions romantic couples take actually change their DNA.

This revolutionary volume reveals how any woman can once again experience the romance that young lovers have when they are entirely smitten with each other. But more than that, it provides the insight, the tools and the know how, in order to keep romance burning in your relationship for the rest of your life.


Genre Self help

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