Well Women Witness: Letters from Christ
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In a world where women are facing so many challenges with little support, this new workbook engages them in deep conversations with God pertaining to issues affecting their lives such as loneliness, abuse, shame, guilt, abandonment, discrimination, and other societal issues. By reading this book, the woman can disclose her innermost feelings to a loving God who always invites her to entrust everything to Him. As the woman draws to the end of the workbook, she encounters the Closing Love Letter from Christ.
“I have observed that busy women are always taking care of everybody else; yet seldom taking time out for self! The Well Women Witness workbook provides women with the opportunity to take time out to be alone with the Lord. The workbook is a guided meditation of ten interactive Letters from Christ. It places the woman in dialogue with Jesus Christ. It is about taking time out for oneself in quietness and stillness in order to be in communion with God. Women rediscover themselves in a relationship with Jesus Christ just as the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:1-30; 39-42.”
Genre Religious/Inspirational