Walking The Razor’s Edge: The Dutchman and The Baron
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The long awaited true story of Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans and George de Mohrenschildt has finally been revealed. Authors Tommy and Hilde Wilkens bring to you “Walking The Razor’s Edge The Dutchman & The Baron”.An exhaustive seven year research and study of Willem Oltmans life and study of the Willem Oltmans Archives revealed a fascinating true story that Oltmans recorded in his personal private diaries that opens a window into history of his close intimate friendship with the strange and mysteries Baron George de Mohrenschildt and his self confessed involvement and friendship with accused Presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in the months leading up to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In the weeks leading up to Willem Oltmans death he arranged for his private files and notes and diaries to be stored and preserved for further historical study. One of Oltmans last hopes and wishes was that just maybe one day someone would come along and take a second look at his findings. Walking The Razor’s Edge The Dutchman & The Baron is that second look.


Genre Crime/Mystery Books

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