Seamlessly Together
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Seamlessly Together is a book of poetry about an individual’s journey to manifesting unconditional love from the Creator into their personal life. Experience is our best teacher because it can bring such security into your life and a willingness to let go and trust the process. Each poem dispels the dynamic of God for the reader to experience greater intimacy and accessibility, which is what that every soul seeks to attain.

It is that desire for authentic and true intimacy that drives each experience written. From the lens of seeing others as ourselves, the reader witnesses the destruction of fear and defenses while carefully building wholeness from within.

This book stirs the reader throughout its entirety due to the purity of heart the words flow from.

“In Seamlessly Together, Demark Manigo fits into words a spirituality that is difficult to describe. Manigo uses his five senses to bring the profound down to earth, so that we may all be transfixed by it. Much of his work reminds me of Daniel Ladinsky’s “Love Poems from God.” In his book, Ladinsky captures the voices of twelve sacred mystics in their ability to not only deliver up a reverence for God, but to dispel the dynamic of God as unknowable atop a human hierarchy. Mystics like St. Teresa of Avila, Rumi, Hafiz, and St. Francis show God to be as accessible as any mortal beloved and in that accessibility somehow more sacred. This style of poetry could be considered controversial for removing the veil between humankind and God, but the truth of such writing is how it reveals a great intimacy that we are all seeking. Manigo’s poetry possesses both this accessibility and intimacy. Perhaps, his dance background is responsible. He weaves words through the page, the way a dancer moves over a stage. His sense of flow, rhythm, and repetition hooks a reader like musical verse. But it is the divine light in his writing that is so captivating. Readers will look forward to watching this young man further develop his craft. As with any young artist there is room for growth, still, there is a timelessness to his poetic sense of transcendence any reader can find in his words right now.”
–Blissom Booblé, The Naked Page



Genre Religious/Inspirational