18 Holes of Quantum Golf
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This books’ a difficult one to categorize as it’s a love story wrapped up in an enigma inside a round of golf.
Its main aim is to provide the reader with a simple account of how us humans have gained our current knowledge of the only universe that we’re every likely to inhabit. It’s the story told in normal everyday language of the many brilliant thinkers from Thales, who lived in the ancient Greek city-state of Miletus 2,600 years ago, to our current understanding by way of Galileo, Newton, Einstein and many others. The eventual aim of science is that one day they’ll be able to explain to us why we have a universe and tell us where it came from.
It’s not written like a normal popular science book, but as a story told in friendly and humorous conversations between two senior citizens who’ve been best pals since their first day at primary school. The main characters are Alec and Bob who, although now living a distance apart, meet five or six times a year to compete for their own trophy which is a pair of worthless ten shilling banknotes encased in a plastic beer mat. As well as being a symbol of their friendship, the ownership of this small square of plastic has become almost as important to them as their wives and children.
The story includes the boys’ wives, Brenda and Alice, along with Jean who’s a dedicated amateur thespian and has been the girl’s best friend since early schooldays. The last character is Frank, a golfing mate of the boys whose been described by Bob’s wife Alice as ‘that randy laddie who’s the cause of us meeting you pair!’ Today’s game in which Bob is hoping to recapture their trophy, was mooted several months previously to coincide with Jeans last performance before she retires after fifty years of sterling service with The Players, a local amateur dramatic society,
While they’re waiting to out on their odyssey, Bob and Alec are approached in the clubhouse by Frank who’s with a small group waiting to go in for lunch. He asks Alec if he would
Genre Non-Fiction