Dreaming Big Again
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DREAMING BIG AGAIN.I wrote this content to share some of my experiences worldwide. The content took the form of a book to travel as far as possible. It is an honest and sincere effort to convey all my thoughts to as many people as I could, as far as possible on the globe. The purpose of this book is to highlight an existing problem that, unfortunately, is rarely mentioned, and we all push it under the rug. One billion of our fellow human beings have a mental illness, according to statistics released by the UN on October 10th, world health day. One person (son, father, daughter, mother, brother, sister, beloved for some) ends his life every 40 seconds. The need for a different and new way of thinking is no longer a luxury that few have; it is a necessity. Self-development, Auto-suggestion, and Positive thinking are now more crucial, more important than never before. This new way of thinking should be a must and should become a way of living for us all, as long as, of course, we are open to it. Our story hero, Jason, was born and raised in Greece, one of the world’s most beautiful countries. Undoubtedly the country that generously shared ancient knowledge and wisdom with most people. At the same time, a country that now knows very well what anxiety, depression, and despair mean and has been punished and tested for years. Unfortunately, the phenomenon is now global and is not a privilege of the Greek people anymore. Every year more and more countries are in a recession, and millions of people suffer through poverty.This book has not been written to analyze the problem, of course, nor does it have scientific content, nor even close. It has been written hoping that it would help some of our fellow human beings relate to our hero’s story, but mainly to show another way of living, an alternative. The book you are about to read is an attempt of the storyteller to introduce you to a different way of thinking and living and open a door for you to a world that most people, unf


Genre Self help

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