Fishing With My Papaw
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This is a book about one day in the life of an old man and a young boy, his grandson. About one beautiful day they went fishing and had the time of their lives. The relationship between a boy and his grandfather. One of love and respect, one that grows every day over time. A day in which time slows down and stops. Where problems and stress in the outside world go away and there is only a young boy, an old man, and fishing. A time and place where an old man can pass on the skills that he himself learned from his father and grandfather to the next generation. Fishing is one way to get back to the basis of life. What is important and what is not? Making clear decisions in life. Having the patience to see things out. To learn how to follow instructions from others. When something not working for catching fish and change to something else. You can use these skills in life by using your imagination and abilities.
Genre Children