Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway?
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Every once in a while a book challenges us on what we think we know or have been taught. On the subject of tithing, many people have opinions, thoughts and interpretations about what tithing means in the Bible, but rarely have people done a complete empirical study on this biblical practice from eons past and its requirement in the New Testament Church. Some believe that the most effective way to teach tithing is to interpret it as paying a tenth of income to the church in perpetuity. Certainly no other biblical doctrine has caused such consternation as when monetary tithing is challenged. Therefore, this book deals, not with theories and opinions about monetary tithing but with well-proven theology, scriptural principles, hermeneutical facts and the Hebrew language to define what tithing really is and is not. Journey through the pages of the Bible to find the untwisted truth about the centuries-old teachings on tithes and offerings.
Genre Religious/Inspirational