Nadeems journey
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Nadeem’s Journey by Sherine Anniruth is the soulful and bittersweet story of a mother who loses her son.
Nadeem was just 25 years old when he died from cancer, but his mother’s determination for his memory to live forever is beautiful and raw. Reading this book really shows what a mother’s love can be, and being a mother myself, I understand how every little memory, laugh, joke, and good time that you had with your child can push you through the day.
Sherine is a very strong woman while going through the loss of her precious son. This story absolutely captures Nadeem’s spirit, he was a fun loving and precocious boy who adored his mom, and he turned into a hardworking man that still had his mom by his side.
This book will captivate you and wrench your heart. You’ll definitely need to grab some tissues as you read the tender accounts of Sherine’s life with Nadeem, and his last breaths.
Interspersed with pictures of Nadeem and his family, you’ll definitely get an idea of how much love was in this family, and how much light he cast on the world.
Genre Non-Fiction