The #1 Project Management Mistake, Plus 7 More Lessons
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Do you experience problems and pain in your working life as a project manager? Is there a lack of progress with projects at work? Do you experience that there is a lack of useful information on project management that is especially aimed at beginners? Are you constantly frustrated by the lack of budgets to properly complete project tasks? Do you experience a constant worry about completing projects on time? Do you feel that you lack the experience to be confident in the role of a new project manager?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you require this book!

This book has been prepared as a guide for newly certified project-management professionals who are looking to learn the fundamental do’s and don’ts of project management, but it is also of interest to any person who is interested in making a career out of project management or just interested in the subject.
If you work through this book, you will feel that sense of anticipation, eagerness, and excitement for you, the newly qualified PM, to go out and face your first project with the knowledge that we provide, assisting you in making a success of your first and future projects.

Nothing will prepare you for that immense sense of achievement and success when you get this right. This prepares you for a massively rewarding career working with people and being rewarded accordingly through the continuous “rinse and repeat” of the lessons provided in the body of the book.
Do not delay, but take action; get the book now, and set yourself on the way to project-management success!


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