The Return: Trump’s Big 2024 Comeback
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Politics & Government
BET HE WILL.Will he be the GOP nominee? ABSOLUTELY.Will he win the
election? YES!DICK MORRIS – New York Times bestselling author, winning
presidential strategist & the man Time magazine dubbed “the most
influential private citizen in America” – lays-out Trump’s secret plan to
return to power in 2024. His new book: THE RETURN: TRUMP’S BIG 2024
COMEBACK. Since 2016 Dick Morris has been a behind-the-scenes adviser to
Donald Trump. Dick played a key role in Trump’s surprise 2016 win. Dick
Morris reveals first time President Trump’s strategy to win in 2024. And
yes, he’s running!Dick Morris says the stakes of the next elections could
not be higher. “President Trump knows the future of America rests on his
shoulders,” Morris says bluntly.In his new bestseller THE RETURN Morris
explains that we cannot repeat 2020—and we can’t let the Democrats get away
with it again or America is lost.Dick Morris provides the road map that
Trump is prepared to implement in his effort to take-back the White House
and the nation. It’s all in THE RETURN. Conservatives and MAGA supporters
must realize that there are new rules. The Democrats, Big Media, Soros, and
the Deep State have decided Trump must be stopped at any cost.In THE
RETURN Morris reveals how to beat the Democrats and the radical left at
their own game – and getting freedom-loving Americans to rise up for Trump
and our democracy.Morris outlines the strategy for victory on three
fronts:MAKE CERTAIN(!) more legal, eligible voters cast ballots for
Republicans, and that their votes are not offset by a torrent of illegal
ballots. Morris says a new group of Trump voters are emerging who will
create a New Majority.The Republican candidate in 2024 will be, AND MUST
BE, Donald J. Trump. Accept no substitutes. DeSantis is not ready for prime
time. Morris explains why.THE WINNING (TRUMP) MESSAGE: The Democrats will
transform America into a nation none of us will recognize by destroying
social, cultural, economic, and political freedoms. Morris says time is
short. This election really is critical.With the election of 2020,
everything pundits knew—or thought they knew—is obsolete in this new era of
massively higher turnout. Read THE RETURN to find out how conservatives can
take advantage of the new rules to make America great again! Read more